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Welcome to the Montrose Area School District
The vision of the Montrose Area School District is to provide an exemplary education that promotes individual development, intellectual growth and responsible citizenship in order to prepare its students to address tomorrow's challenges.
District News & Events
Featured News
Children's Produce Market is back at Choconut Valley. Signup is required. Click to read more
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the evening on Thursday February 13th and all day Friday February 14th. Please visit our Sign Up Portal to schedule a conference.
Children's Produce Market is back at Choconut Valley. Signup is required. Click to read more
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the evening on Thursday February 13th and all day Friday February 14th. Please visit our Sign Up Portal to schedule a conference.
The MASD Winter Sports has been open for online registration. Instructions can be found on the You tube video for online registration for all Montrose Sport Programs.
Five Montrose Concert Chorus members will be participating in PMEA District 9 Chorus to be held at Tunkhannock High School February 5-7. The concert will be on Friday, February 7 at 7 PM in the Tunkhannock High School Auditorium. Students auditioned for the District Chorus back in October. The top 20 students on each voice part were accepted from a pool involving approximately 43 schools in 5 counties in Northeast Pennsylvania. Part of the District Chorus Festival will involve live auditions to advance to PMEA Region IV Chorus, to be held in Lewisburg March 19-21. Montrose students who will be participating are Serena Frye, Soprano 1; Ashlyn Barnum, Soprano 1; Paityn Garner, Alto 2; Klay Carley, Tenor 2; and William Field, Tenor 2. The District Chorus will be under the direction of Dr. Susan Kelly.
Montrose High School Gym
Junior-Senior High School Auditorium
all day
Choconut Valley
Elk Lake High School Pool
Lackawanna Trail High School Gym
all day
Choconut Valley
Blue Ridge High School Gym
Elk Lake Elementary Gym
Montrose High School Gym
Montrose High School Gym
Choconut Valley
Montrose High School Gym
all day
Choconut Valley
Choconut Valley
Choconut Valley Gym
all day
Choconut Valley
Choconut Valley
Junior-Senior High School Active Learning Lab
Choconut Valley Library
Choconut Valley Gym
all day
Choconut Valley
Choconut Valley Gym
Choconut Valley Gym