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MAHS Attendance Tips and Reminders

This information is designed to help students and parents understand the state requirements and school procedures surrounding attendance recordkeeping. Additional detail is available in the Student Handbook and the MASD Policy Manual. Both are available online: Contact the Assistant Principal’s office with questions: 570-278-6218.

Mr. Whalen

Terrence Whalen
Assistant Principal

PHONE: 570-278-6223

Nikki Rhinevault
Attendance Secretary

PHONE: 570-278-6218

Attendance Matters

Did you know?

  1. Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. Read more

  2. An estimated 5 million to 7.5 million U.S. students miss nearly a month of school each year. Read more

  3. Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. Read more

  4. The academic impact of missing that much school is the same whether the absences are excused or unexcused. Suspensions also add to lost time in the classroom

  5. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating. Read more

A toolkit regarding chronic absenteeism for parents is available here.